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MadLevelManager.MadiTween Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for MadLevelManager.MadiTween:


class  Defaults
 A collection of baseline presets that iTween needs and utilizes if certain parameters are not provided.

Public Types

enum  EaseType {
  easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic,
  easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic, easeInQuart, easeOutQuart,
  easeInOutQuart, easeInQuint, easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint,
  easeInSine, easeOutSine, easeInOutSine, easeInExpo,
  easeOutExpo, easeInOutExpo, easeInCirc, easeOutCirc,
  easeInOutCirc, linear, spring, easeInBounce,
  easeOutBounce, easeInOutBounce, easeInBack, easeOutBack,
  easeInOutBack, easeInElastic, easeOutElastic, easeInOutElastic,
 The type of easing to use based on Robert Penner's open source easing equations ( More...
enum  LoopType { LoopType.none, LoopType.loop, LoopType.pingPong }
 The type of loop (if any) to use. More...
enum  NamedValueColor { NamedValueColor._Color, NamedValueColor._SpecColor, NamedValueColor._Emission, NamedValueColor._ReflectColor }
 Many shaders use more than one color. Use can have iTween's Color methods operate on them by name. More...

Public Member Functions

delegate float EasingFunction (float start, float end, float Value)

Static Public Member Functions

static void Init (GameObject target)
 Sets up a GameObject to avoid hiccups when an initial iTween is added. It's advisable to run this on every object you intend to run iTween on in its Start or Awake. More...
static void CameraFadeFrom (float amount, float time)
 Instantly changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade and then returns it back over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void CameraFadeFrom (Hashtable args)
 Instantly changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade and then returns it back over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void CameraFadeTo (float amount, float time)
 Changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void CameraFadeTo (Hashtable args)
 Changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ValueTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Returns a value to an 'oncallback' method interpolated between the supplied 'from' and 'to' values for application as desired. Requires an 'onupdate' callback that accepts the same type as the supplied 'from' and 'to' properties. More...
static void FadeFrom (GameObject target, float alpha, float time)
 Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter. More...
static void FadeFrom (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter. More...
static void FadeTo (GameObject target, float alpha, float time)
 Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter. More...
static void FadeTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter. More...
static void ColorFrom (GameObject target, Color color, float time)
 Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. More...
static void ColorFrom (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. More...
static void ColorTo (GameObject target, Color color, float time)
 Changes a GameObject's color values over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation. More...
static void ColorTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Changes a GameObject's color values over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation. More...
static void AudioFrom (GameObject target, float volume, float pitch, float time)
 Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time with MINIMUM customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied. More...
static void AudioFrom (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time with FULL customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied. More...
static void AudioTo (GameObject target, float volume, float pitch, float time)
 Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource with MINIMUM customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied. More...
static void AudioTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource with FULL customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied. More...
static void Stab (GameObject target, AudioClip audioclip, float delay)
 Plays an AudioClip once based on supplied volume and pitch and following any delay with MINIMUM customization options. AudioSource is optional as iTween will provide one. More...
static void Stab (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Plays an AudioClip once based on supplied volume and pitch and following any delay with FULL customization options. AudioSource is optional as iTween will provide one. More...
static void LookFrom (GameObject target, Vector3 looktarget, float time)
 Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void LookFrom (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at a supplied Transform or Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void LookTo (GameObject target, Vector3 looktarget, float time)
 Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void LookTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Rotates a GameObject to look at a supplied Transform or Vector3 over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void MoveTo (GameObject target, Vector3 position, float time)
 Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void MoveTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination with FULL customization options. More...
static void MoveFrom (GameObject target, Vector3 position, float time)
 Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void MoveFrom (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void MoveAdd (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Translates a GameObject's position over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void MoveAdd (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Translates a GameObject's position over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void MoveBy (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's postion with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void MoveBy (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position with FULL customization options. More...
static void ScaleTo (GameObject target, Vector3 scale, float time)
 Changes a GameObject's scale over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void ScaleTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Changes a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ScaleFrom (GameObject target, Vector3 scale, float time)
 Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void ScaleFrom (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ScaleAdd (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Adds to a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ScaleAdd (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Adds to a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ScaleBy (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void ScaleBy (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void RotateTo (GameObject target, Vector3 rotation, float time)
 Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void RotateTo (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void RotateFrom (GameObject target, Vector3 rotation, float time)
 Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time (if allowed) with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void RotateFrom (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time (if allowed) with FULL customization options. More...
static void RotateAdd (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void RotateAdd (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void RotateBy (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void RotateBy (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ShakePosition (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void ShakePosition (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ShakeScale (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Randomly shakes a GameObject's scale by a diminishing amount over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void ShakeScale (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Randomly shakes a GameObject's scale by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void ShakeRotation (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void ShakeRotation (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options. More...
static void PunchPosition (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void PunchPosition (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position with FULL customization options. More...
static void PunchRotation (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void PunchRotation (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation with FULL customization options. More...
static void PunchScale (GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
 Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale with MINIMUM customization options. More...
static void PunchScale (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale with FULL customization options. More...
static Rect RectUpdate (Rect currentValue, Rect targetValue, float speed)
 Returns a Rect that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed. More...
static Vector3 Vector3Update (Vector3 currentValue, Vector3 targetValue, float speed)
 Returns a Vector3 that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed. More...
static Vector2 Vector2Update (Vector2 currentValue, Vector2 targetValue, float speed)
 Returns a Vector2 that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed. More...
static float FloatUpdate (float currentValue, float targetValue, float speed)
 Returns a float that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed. More...
static void FadeUpdate (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Similar to FadeTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void FadeUpdate (GameObject target, float alpha, float time)
 Similar to FadeTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void ColorUpdate (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Similar to ColorTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void ColorUpdate (GameObject target, Color color, float time)
 Similar to ColorTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void AudioUpdate (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Similar to AudioTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void AudioUpdate (GameObject target, float volume, float pitch, float time)
 Similar to AudioTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void RotateUpdate (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Similar to RotateTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void RotateUpdate (GameObject target, Vector3 rotation, float time)
 Similar to RotateTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void ScaleUpdate (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Similar to ScaleTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void ScaleUpdate (GameObject target, Vector3 scale, float time)
 Similar to ScaleTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void MoveUpdate (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Similar to MoveTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void MoveUpdate (GameObject target, Vector3 position, float time)
 Similar to MoveTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void LookUpdate (GameObject target, Hashtable args)
 Similar to LookTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static void LookUpdate (GameObject target, Vector3 looktarget, float time)
 Similar to LookTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. More...
static float PathLength (Transform[] path)
 Returns the length of a curved path drawn through the provided array of Transforms. More...
static float PathLength (Vector3[] path)
 Returns the length of a curved path drawn through the provided array of Vector3s. More...
static Texture2D CameraTexture (Color color)
 Creates and returns a full-screen Texture2D for use with CameraFade. More...
static void PutOnPath (GameObject target, Vector3[] path, float percent)
 Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage More...
static void PutOnPath (Transform target, Vector3[] path, float percent)
 Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage More...
static void PutOnPath (GameObject target, Transform[] path, float percent)
 Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage More...
static void PutOnPath (Transform target, Transform[] path, float percent)
 Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage More...
static Vector3 PointOnPath (Transform[] path, float percent)
 Returns a Vector3 position on a path at the provided percentage More...
static void DrawLine (Vector3[] line)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Vector3s. More...
static void DrawLine (Vector3[] line, Color color)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Vector3s. More...
static void DrawLine (Transform[] line)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Transforms. More...
static void DrawLine (Transform[] line, Color color)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Transforms. More...
static void DrawLineGizmos (Vector3[] line)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawLineGizmos (Vector3[] line, Color color)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawLineGizmos (Transform[] line)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawLineGizmos (Transform[] line, Color color)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawLineHandles (Vector3[] line)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawLineHandles (Vector3[] line, Color color)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawLineHandles (Transform[] line)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawLineHandles (Transform[] line, Color color)
 Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static Vector3 PointOnPath (Vector3[] path, float percent)
 Returns a Vector3 position on a path at the provided percentage More...
static void DrawPath (Vector3[] path)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s. More...
static void DrawPath (Vector3[] path, Color color)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s. More...
static void DrawPath (Transform[] path)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Transforms. More...
static void DrawPath (Transform[] path, Color color)
 When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Transforms. More...
static void DrawPathGizmos (Vector3[] path)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawPathGizmos (Vector3[] path, Color color)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawPathGizmos (Transform[] path)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawPathGizmos (Transform[] path, Color color)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawPathHandles (Vector3[] path)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawPathHandles (Vector3[] path, Color color)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawPathHandles (Transform[] path)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static void DrawPathHandles (Transform[] path, Color color)
 Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine(). More...
static void CameraFadeDepth (int depth)
 Changes a camera fade's texture. More...
static void CameraFadeDestroy ()
 Removes and destroyes a camera fade. More...
static void CameraFadeSwap (Texture2D texture)
 Changes a camera fade's texture. More...
static GameObject CameraFadeAdd (Texture2D texture, int depth)
 Creates a GameObject (if it doesn't exist) at the supplied depth that can be used to simulate a camera fade. More...
static GameObject CameraFadeAdd (Texture2D texture)
 Creates a GameObject (if it doesn't exist) at the default depth that can be used to simulate a camera fade. More...
static GameObject CameraFadeAdd ()
 Creates a GameObject (if it doesn't exist) at the default depth filled with black that can be used to simulate a camera fade. More...
static void Resume (GameObject target)
 Resume all iTweens on a GameObject. More...
static void Resume (GameObject target, bool includechildren)
 Resume all iTweens on a GameObject including its children. More...
static void Resume (GameObject target, string type)
 Resume all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type. </summar

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to resume. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.

static void Resume (GameObject target, string type, bool includechildren)
 Resume all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type including its children. </summar

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to resume. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.

static void Resume ()
 Resume all iTweens in scene. More...
static void Resume (string type)
 Resume all iTweens in scene of a particular type. More...
static void Pause (GameObject target)
 Pause all iTweens on a GameObject. More...
static void Pause (GameObject target, bool includechildren)
 Pause all iTweens on a GameObject including its children. More...
static void Pause (GameObject target, string type)
 Pause all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type. </summar

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to pause. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.

static void Pause (GameObject target, string type, bool includechildren)
 Pause all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type including its children. </summar

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to pause. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.

static void Pause ()
 Pause all iTweens in scene. More...
static void Pause (string type)
 Pause all iTweens in scene of a particular type. More...
static int Count ()
 Count all iTweens in current scene. More...
static int Count (string type)
 Count all iTweens in current scene of a particular type. More...
static int Count (GameObject target)
 Count all iTweens on a GameObject. More...
static int Count (GameObject target, string type)
 Count all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type. More...
static void Stop ()
 Stop and destroy all Tweens in current scene. More...
static void Stop (string type)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens in current scene of a particular type. More...
static void StopByName (string name)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens in current scene of a particular name. More...
static void Stop (GameObject target)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject. More...
static void Stop (GameObject target, bool includechildren)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject including its children. More...
static void Stop (GameObject target, string type)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type. </summar

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to stop. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.

static void StopByName (GameObject target, string name)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular name. </summar

nameThe System.String name of iTween you would like to stop.

static void Stop (GameObject target, string type, bool includechildren)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type including its children. </summar

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to stop. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.

static void StopByName (GameObject target, string name, bool includechildren)
 Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular name including its children. </summar

nameThe System.String name of iTween you would like to stop.

static Hashtable Hash (params object[] args)
 Universal interface to help in the creation of Hashtables. Especially useful for C# users. More...
static EasingFunction GetEasingFunction (EaseType easeType)
static float linear (float start, float end, float value)
static float spring (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInQuad (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutQuad (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutQuad (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInCubic (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutCubic (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutCubic (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInQuart (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutQuart (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutQuart (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInQuint (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutQuint (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutQuint (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInSine (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutSine (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutSine (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInExpo (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutExpo (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutExpo (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInCirc (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutCirc (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutCirc (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInBounce (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutBounce (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutBounce (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInBack (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutBack (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutBack (float start, float end, float value)
static float punch (float amplitude, float value)
static float easeInElastic (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeOutElastic (float start, float end, float value)
static float easeInOutElastic (float start, float end, float value)

Public Attributes

string id
MadiTween.EaseType easeType
float time
LoopType loopType
bool isRunning
string _name

Static Public Attributes

static List< Hashtable > tweens = new List<Hashtable>()

Detailed Description

Version: 2.0.46

Author: Bob Berkebile (


Member Enumeration Documentation

The type of easing to use based on Robert Penner's open source easing equations (

The type of loop (if any) to use.


Do not loop.


Rewind and replay.


Ping pong the animation back and forth.

Many shaders use more than one color. Use can have iTween's Color methods operate on them by name.


The main color of a material. Used by default and not required for Color methods to work in iTween.


The specular color of a material (used in specular/glossy/vertexlit shaders).


The emissive color of a material (used in vertexlit shaders).


The reflection color of the material (used in reflective shaders).

Member Function Documentation

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.AudioFrom ( GameObject  target,
float  volume,
float  pitch,
float  time 

Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time with MINIMUM customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation which holds the AudioSource to be changed.
volumefor the target level of volume. A System.Single
pitchfor the target pitch. A System.Single
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.AudioFrom ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time with FULL customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied.

audiosourceA AudioSource for which AudioSource to use.
volumeA System.Single or System.Double for the target level of volume.
pitchA System.Single or System.Double for the target pitch.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.AudioTo ( GameObject  target,
float  volume,
float  pitch,
float  time 

Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource with MINIMUM customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation which holds the AudioSource to be changed.
volumefor the target level of volume. A System.Single
pitchfor the target pitch. A System.Single
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.AudioTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource with FULL customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied.

audiosourceA AudioSource for which AudioSource to use.
volumeA System.Single or System.Double for the target level of volume.
pitchA System.Single or System.Double for the target pitch.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.AudioUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Similar to AudioTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

audiosourceA AudioSource for which AudioSource to use.
volumeA System.Single or System.Double for the target level of volume.
pitchA System.Single or System.Double for the target pitch.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.AudioUpdate ( GameObject  target,
float  volume,
float  pitch,
float  time 

Similar to AudioTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
volumeA System.Single for the target level of volume.
pitchA System.Single for the target pitch.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static GameObject MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeAdd ( Texture2D  texture,
int  depth 

Creates a GameObject (if it doesn't exist) at the supplied depth that can be used to simulate a camera fade.

textureA Texture2D
depthA System.Int32
A GameObject for a reference to the CameraFade.
static GameObject MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeAdd ( Texture2D  texture)

Creates a GameObject (if it doesn't exist) at the default depth that can be used to simulate a camera fade.

textureA Texture2D
A GameObject for a reference to the CameraFade.
static GameObject MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeAdd ( )

Creates a GameObject (if it doesn't exist) at the default depth filled with black that can be used to simulate a camera fade.

A GameObject for a reference to the CameraFade.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeDepth ( int  depth)

Changes a camera fade's texture.

depthA System.Int32
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeDestroy ( )

Removes and destroyes a camera fade.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeFrom ( float  amount,
float  time 

Instantly changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade and then returns it back over time with MINIMUM customization options.

amountA System.Single or System.Double for how transparent the Texture2D that the camera fade uses is.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeFrom ( Hashtable  args)

Instantly changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade and then returns it back over time with FULL customization options.

amountA System.Single or System.Double for how transparent the Texture2D that the camera fade uses is.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeSwap ( Texture2D  texture)

Changes a camera fade's texture.

textureA Texture2D
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeTo ( float  amount,
float  time 

Changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade over time with MINIMUM customization options.

amountA System.Single or System.Double for how transparent the Texture2D that the camera fade uses is.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraFadeTo ( Hashtable  args)

Changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade over time with FULL customization options.

amountA System.Single or System.Double for how transparent the Texture2D that the camera fade uses is.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static Texture2D MadLevelManager.MadiTween.CameraTexture ( Color  color)

Creates and returns a full-screen Texture2D for use with CameraFade.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ColorFrom ( GameObject  target,
Color  color,
float  time 

Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
colorA Color to change the GameObject's color to.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ColorFrom ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation.

colorA Color to change the GameObject's color to.
rA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color red.
gA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color green.
bA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color green.
aA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the alpha.
namedcolorvalueA NamedColorValue or System.String for the individual setting of the alpha.
includechildrenA System.Boolean for whether or not to include children of this GameObject. True by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ColorTo ( GameObject  target,
Color  color,
float  time 

Changes a GameObject's color values over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
colorA Color to change the GameObject's color to.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ColorTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Changes a GameObject's color values over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation.

colorA Color to change the GameObject's color to.
rA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color red.
gA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color green.
bA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color green.
aA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the alpha.
namedcolorvalueA NamedColorValue or System.String for the individual setting of the alpha.
includechildrenA System.Boolean for whether or not to include children of this GameObject. True by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ColorUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Similar to ColorTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

colorA Color to change the GameObject's color to.
rA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color red.
gA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color green.
bA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the color green.
aA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the alpha.
namedcolorvalueA NamedColorValue or System.String for the individual setting of the alpha.
includechildrenA System.Boolean for whether or not to include children of this GameObject. True by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ColorUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Color  color,
float  time 

Similar to ColorTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
colorA Color to change the GameObject's color to.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static int MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Count ( )

Count all iTweens in current scene.

static int MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Count ( string  type)

Count all iTweens in current scene of a particular type.

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to stop. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.
static int MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Count ( GameObject  target)

Count all iTweens on a GameObject.

static int MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Count ( GameObject  target,
string  type 

Count all iTweens on a GameObject of a particular type.

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to count. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLine ( Vector3[]  line)

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Vector3s.

lineA Vector3s[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLine ( Vector3[]  line,
Color  color 

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Vector3s.

lineA Vector3s[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLine ( Transform[]  line)

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Transforms.

lineA Transform[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLine ( Transform[]  line,
Color  color 

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a line through the provided array of Transforms.

lineA Transform[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineGizmos ( Vector3[]  line)

Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine().

lineA Vector3s[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineGizmos ( Vector3[]  line,
Color  color 

Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine().

lineA Vector3s[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineGizmos ( Transform[]  line)

Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine().

lineA Transform[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineGizmos ( Transform[]  line,
Color  color 

Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine().

lineA Transform[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineHandles ( Vector3[]  line)

Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine().

lineA Vector3s[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineHandles ( Vector3[]  line,
Color  color 

Draws a line through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine().

lineA Vector3s[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineHandles ( Transform[]  line)

Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine().

lineA Transform[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawLineHandles ( Transform[]  line,
Color  color 

Draws a line through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine().

lineA Transform[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPath ( Vector3[]  path)

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s.

pathA Vector3s[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPath ( Vector3[]  path,
Color  color 

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s.

pathA Vector3s[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPath ( Transform[]  path)

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Transforms.

pathA Transform[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPath ( Transform[]  path,
Color  color 

When called from an OnDrawGizmos() function it will draw a curved path through the provided array of Transforms.

pathA Transform[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathGizmos ( Vector3[]  path)

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine().

pathA Vector3s[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathGizmos ( Vector3[]  path,
Color  color 

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Gizmos.DrawLine().

pathA Vector3s[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathGizmos ( Transform[]  path)

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine().

pathA Transform[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathGizmos ( Transform[]  path,
Color  color 

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Gizmos.DrawLine().

pathA Transform[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathHandles ( Vector3[]  path)

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine().

pathA Vector3s[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathHandles ( Vector3[]  path,
Color  color 

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Vector3s with Handles.DrawLine().

pathA Vector3s[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathHandles ( Transform[]  path)

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine().

pathA Transform[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.DrawPathHandles ( Transform[]  path,
Color  color 

Draws a curved path through the provided array of Transforms with Handles.DrawLine().

pathA Transform[]
colorA Color
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.FadeFrom ( GameObject  target,
float  alpha,
float  time 

Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
alphaA System.Single for the final alpha value of the animation.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.FadeFrom ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter.

alphaA System.Single or System.Double for the initial alpha value of the animation.
amountA System.Single or System.Double for the initial alpha value of the animation.
includechildrenA System.Boolean for whether or not to include children of this GameObject. True by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.FadeTo ( GameObject  target,
float  alpha,
float  time 

Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time with MINIMUM customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
alphaA System.Single for the final alpha value of the animation.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.FadeTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter.

alphaA System.Single or System.Double for the final alpha value of the animation.
amountA System.Single or System.Double for the final alpha value of the animation.
includechildrenA System.Boolean for whether or not to include children of this GameObject. True by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.FadeUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Similar to FadeTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

alphaA System.Single or System.Double for the final alpha value of the animation.
includechildrenA System.Boolean for whether or not to include children of this GameObject. True by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.FadeUpdate ( GameObject  target,
float  alpha,
float  time 

Similar to FadeTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
alphaA System.Single for the final alpha value of the animation.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static float MadLevelManager.MadiTween.FloatUpdate ( float  currentValue,
float  targetValue,
float  speed 

Returns a float that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed.

A System.Single
currentValueA System.Single the starting or initial value
targetValueA System.Single the target value that the current value will be eased to.
speedA System.Single to be used as rate of speed (larger number equals faster animation)
static Hashtable MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Hash ( params object[]  args)

Universal interface to help in the creation of Hashtables. Especially useful for C# users.

argsA System.Object[] of alternating name value pairs. For example "time",1,"delay",2...
A Hashtable
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Init ( GameObject  target)

Sets up a GameObject to avoid hiccups when an initial iTween is added. It's advisable to run this on every object you intend to run iTween on in its Start or Awake.

targetA GameObject to be the target to be initialized for iTween.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.LookFrom ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  looktarget,
float  time 

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
looktargetA Vector3 to be the Vector3 that the target will look towards.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.LookFrom ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at a supplied Transform or Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time with FULL customization options.

looktargetA Transform or Vector3 for a target the GameObject will look at.
axisA System.String. Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.LookTo ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  looktarget,
float  time 

Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
looktargetA Vector3 to be the Vector3 that the target will look towards.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.LookTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Rotates a GameObject to look at a supplied Transform or Vector3 over time with FULL customization options.

looktargetA Transform or Vector3 for a target the GameObject will look at.
axisA System.String. Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.LookUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Similar to LookTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

looktargetA Transform or Vector3 for a target the GameObject will look at.
axisA System.String. Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.LookUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  looktarget,
float  time 

Similar to LookTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
looktargetA Vector3 for a target the GameObject will look at.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveAdd ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Translates a GameObject's position over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the amount of change in position to move the GameObject.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveAdd ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Translates a GameObject's position over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the amount of change in position to move the GameObject.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
orienttopathA System.Boolean for whether or not the GameObject will orient to its direction of travel. False by default.
looktargetA Vector3 or A Transform for a target the GameObject will look at.
looktimeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget" or "orienttopath".
axisA System.String. Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only.
spaceA Space or System.String for applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveBy ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's postion with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the amount of change in position to move the GameObject.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveBy ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the amount of change in position to move the GameObject.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
orienttopathA System.Boolean for whether or not the GameObject will orient to its direction of travel. False by default.
looktargetA Vector3 or A Transform for a target the GameObject will look at.
looktimeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget" or "orienttopath".
axisA System.String. Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only.
spaceA Space or System.String for applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveFrom ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  position,
float  time 

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
positionA Vector3 for the destination Vector3.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveFrom ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time with FULL customization options.

positionA Transform or Vector3 for a point in space the GameObject will animate to.
pathA Transform[] or Vector3[] for a list of points to draw a Catmull-Rom through for a curved animation path.
movetopathA System.Boolean for whether to automatically generate a curve from the GameObject's current position to the beginning of the path. True by default.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
orienttopathA System.Boolean for whether or not the GameObject will orient to its direction of travel. False by default.
looktargetA Vector3 or A Transform for a target the GameObject will look at.
looktimeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget" or "orienttopath".
lookaheadA System.Single or System.Double for how much of a percentage to look ahead on a path to influence how strict "orientopath" is.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveTo ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  position,
float  time 

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
positionA Vector3 for the destination Vector3.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination with FULL customization options.

positionA Transform or Vector3 for a point in space the GameObject will animate to.
pathA Transform[] or Vector3[] for a list of points to draw a Catmull-Rom through for a curved animation path.
movetopathA System.Boolean for whether to automatically generate a curve from the GameObject's current position to the beginning of the path. True by default.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
orienttopathA System.Boolean for whether or not the GameObject will orient to its direction of travel. False by default.
looktargetA Vector3 or A Transform for a target the GameObject will look at.
looktimeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget" or "orienttopath".
lookaheadA System.Single or System.Double for how much of a percentage to look ahead on a path to influence how strict "orientopath" is.
axisA System.String. Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Similar to MoveTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

positionA Transform or Vector3 for a point in space the GameObject will animate to.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
orienttopathA System.Boolean for whether or not the GameObject will orient to its direction of travel. False by default.
looktargetA Vector3 or A Transform for a target the GameObject will look at.
looktimeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget" or "orienttopath".
axisA System.String. Restricts rotation to the supplied axis only.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.MoveUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  position,
float  time 

Similar to MoveTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
positionA Vector3 for a point in space the GameObject will animate to.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static float MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PathLength ( Transform[]  path)

Returns the length of a curved path drawn through the provided array of Transforms.

A System.Single
pathA Transform[]
static float MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PathLength ( Vector3[]  path)

Returns the length of a curved path drawn through the provided array of Vector3s.

The length.
pathA Vector3[]
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Pause ( GameObject  target)

Pause all iTweens on a GameObject.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Pause ( GameObject  target,
bool  includechildren 

Pause all iTweens on a GameObject including its children.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Pause ( )

Pause all iTweens in scene.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Pause ( string  type)

Pause all iTweens in scene of a particular type.

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to pause. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.
static Vector3 MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PointOnPath ( Transform[]  path,
float  percent 

Returns a Vector3 position on a path at the provided percentage

pathA Transform[]
percentA System.Single
A Vector3
static Vector3 MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PointOnPath ( Vector3[]  path,
float  percent 

Returns a Vector3 position on a path at the provided percentage

pathA Vector3[]
percentA System.Single
A Vector3
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PunchPosition ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of the punch.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PunchPosition ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x magnitude.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y magnitude.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z magnitude.
spaceA Space for applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
looktargetA Vector3 or A Transform for a target the GameObject will look at.
looktimeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget".
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed. (only "loop" is allowed with punches)
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PunchRotation ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of the punch.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PunchRotation ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x magnitude.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y magnitude.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z magnitude.
spaceA Space for applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed. (only "loop" is allowed with punches)
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PunchScale ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of the punch.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PunchScale ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x magnitude.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y magnitude.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z magnitude.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed. (only "loop" is allowed with punches)
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PutOnPath ( GameObject  target,
Vector3[]  path,
float  percent 

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage

targetA GameObject
pathA Vector3[]
percentA System.Single
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PutOnPath ( Transform  target,
Vector3[]  path,
float  percent 

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage

targetA Transform
pathA Vector3[]
percentA System.Single
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PutOnPath ( GameObject  target,
Transform[]  path,
float  percent 

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage

targetA GameObject
pathA Transform[]
percentA System.Single
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.PutOnPath ( Transform  target,
Transform[]  path,
float  percent 

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage

targetA Transform
pathA Transform[]
percentA System.Single
static Rect MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RectUpdate ( Rect  currentValue,
Rect  targetValue,
float  speed 

Returns a Rect that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed.

A <see cref="Rect"/
currentValueA Rect the starting or initial value
targetValueA Rect the target value that the current value will be eased to.
speedA System.Single to be used as rate of speed (larger number equals faster animation)
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Resume ( GameObject  target)

Resume all iTweens on a GameObject.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Resume ( GameObject  target,
bool  includechildren 

Resume all iTweens on a GameObject including its children.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Resume ( )

Resume all iTweens in scene.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Resume ( string  type)

Resume all iTweens in scene of a particular type.

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to resume. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateAdd ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the amount of Euler angles in degrees to add to the current rotation of the GameObject.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateAdd ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the amount of Euler angles in degrees to add to the current rotation of the GameObject.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
spaceA Space or System.String for applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateBy ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the amount to be multiplied by 360 to rotate the GameObject.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateBy ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the amount to be multiplied by 360 to rotate the GameObject.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
spaceA Space or System.String for applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateFrom ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  rotation,
float  time 

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time (if allowed) with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
rotationA Vector3 for the target Euler angles in degrees to rotate from.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateFrom ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time (if allowed) with FULL customization options.

rotationA Transform or Vector3 for the target Euler angles in degrees to rotate to.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateTo ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  rotation,
float  time 

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
rotationA Vector3 for the target Euler angles in degrees to rotate to.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time with FULL customization options.

rotationA Transform or Vector3 for the target Euler angles in degrees to rotate to.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Similar to RotateTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

rotationA Transform or Vector3 for the target Euler angles in degrees to rotate to.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.RotateUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  rotation,
float  time 

Similar to RotateTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
rotationA Vector3 for the target Euler angles in degrees to rotate to.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleAdd ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the amount of scale to be added to the GameObject's current scale.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleAdd ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the amount to be added to the GameObject's current scale.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleBy ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the amount of scale to be multiplied by the GameObject's current scale.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleBy ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the amount to be multiplied to the GameObject's current scale.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleFrom ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  scale,
float  time 

Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
scaleA Vector3 for the final scale.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleFrom ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time with FULL customization options.

scaleA Transform or Vector3 for the final scale.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleTo ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  scale,
float  time 

Changes a GameObject's scale over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
scaleA Vector3 for the final scale.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Changes a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options.

scaleA Transform or Vector3 for the final scale.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Similar to ScaleTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

scaleA Transform or Vector3 for the final scale.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x axis.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y axis.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z axis.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ScaleUpdate ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  scale,
float  time 

Similar to ScaleTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with MINIMUM customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
scaleA Vector3 for the final scale.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ShakePosition ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ShakePosition ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x magnitude.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y magnitude.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z magnitude.
islocalA System.Boolean for whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
orienttopathA System.Boolean for whether or not the GameObject will orient to its direction of travel. False by default.
looktargetA Vector3 or A Transform for a target the GameObject will look at.
looktimeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget" or "orienttopath".
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed. (only "loop" is allowed with shakes)
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ShakeRotation ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ShakeRotation ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x magnitude.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y magnitude.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z magnitude.
spaceA Space for applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed. (only "loop" is allowed with shakes)
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ShakeScale ( GameObject  target,
Vector3  amount,
float  time 

Randomly shakes a GameObject's scale by a diminishing amount over time with MINIMUM customization options.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation.
amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
timeA System.Single for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ShakeScale ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Randomly shakes a GameObject's scale by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options.

amountA Vector3 for the magnitude of shake.
xA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the x magnitude.
yA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the y magnitude.
zA System.Single or System.Double for the individual setting of the z magnitude.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed. (only "loop" is allowed with shakes)
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Stab ( GameObject  target,
AudioClip  audioclip,
float  delay 

Plays an AudioClip once based on supplied volume and pitch and following any delay with MINIMUM customization options. AudioSource is optional as iTween will provide one.

targetA GameObject to be the target of the animation which holds the AudioSource to be utilized.
audioclipA AudioClip for a reference to the AudioClip to be played.
delayA System.Single for the time in seconds the action will wait before beginning.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Stab ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Plays an AudioClip once based on supplied volume and pitch and following any delay with FULL customization options. AudioSource is optional as iTween will provide one.

audioclipA AudioClip for a reference to the AudioClip to be played.
audiosourceA AudioSource for which AudioSource to use
volumeA System.Single or System.Double for the target level of volume.
pitchA System.Single or System.Double for the target pitch.
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the action will wait before beginning.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Stop ( )

Stop and destroy all Tweens in current scene.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Stop ( string  type)

Stop and destroy all iTweens in current scene of a particular type.

typeA System.String name of the type of iTween you would like to stop. Can be written as part of a name such as "mov" for all "MoveTo" iTweens.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Stop ( GameObject  target)

Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Stop ( GameObject  target,
bool  includechildren 

Stop and destroy all iTweens on a GameObject including its children.

static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.StopByName ( string  name)

Stop and destroy all iTweens in current scene of a particular name.

nameThe System.String name of iTween you would like to stop.
static void MadLevelManager.MadiTween.ValueTo ( GameObject  target,
Hashtable  args 

Returns a value to an 'oncallback' method interpolated between the supplied 'from' and 'to' values for application as desired. Requires an 'onupdate' callback that accepts the same type as the supplied 'from' and 'to' properties.

fromA System.Single or System.Double or Vector3 or Vector2 or Color or Rect for the starting value.
toA System.Single or System.Double or Vector3 or Vector2 or Color or Rect for the ending value.
timeA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
speedA System.Single or System.Double can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed (only works with Vector2, Vector3, and Floats)
delayA System.Single or System.Double for the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
easetypeA EaseType or System.String for the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
looptypeA LoopType or System.String for the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
onstartA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation.
onstarttargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method.
onstartparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method.
onupdateA System.String for the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation.
onupdatetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method.
onupdateparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method.
oncompleteA System.String for the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation.
oncompletetargetA GameObject for a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method.
oncompleteparamsA System.Object for arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method.
static Vector2 MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Vector2Update ( Vector2  currentValue,
Vector2  targetValue,
float  speed 

Returns a Vector2 that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed.

A Vector2
currentValueA Vector2 the starting or initial value
targetValueA Vector2 the target value that the current value will be eased to.
speedA System.Single to be used as rate of speed (larger number equals faster animation)
static Vector3 MadLevelManager.MadiTween.Vector3Update ( Vector3  currentValue,
Vector3  targetValue,
float  speed 

Returns a Vector3 that is eased between a current and target value by the supplied speed.

A Vector3
currentValueA Vector3 the starting or initial value
targetValueA Vector3 the target value that the current value will be eased to.
speedA System.Single to be used as rate of speed (larger number equals faster animation)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: