Use Currently Active configuration is an option available for both Grid and Free layouts. You can activate it by enabling it at the top of the Fundaments section.

Why use Active Configuration?

The active configuration can be really useful if you’re developing multiple versions of your game (such as full and demo) whose main difference lies in the number of available levels.

When Use Currently Active is enabled, your level select screens will search for the level configuration that has been marked as active. This means that you can quickly switch between two or more level configurations without the need of modifying the level select scene.

In order to activate a configuration (that is not currently active), click on it, then in the inspector press the Activate button:


There are some limitations when using Currently Active configuration that you should be aware of, otherwise you will receive runtime errors. The rule is that your both configurations should have level select screen scene added and it should be using the same level name (quite obvious, isn’t it?). What’s more, it should be located in the same group.

The second (lesser) level configuration should be created by duplicating the original (Duplicate command or Ctrl+D).

If you’re creating more groups, you should remove the lesser configuration, duplicate the original, and set it up once again. Groups are identified by ID that cannot be edited, so simply adding a group with the same name may cause errors.