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MadLevelManager.MadDragStopDraggable Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MadLevelManager.MadDragStopDraggable:
MadLevelManager.MadDraggable MadLevelManager.MadNode

Public Member Functions

void ClearDragStops ()
int AddDragStop (float x, float y)
void MoveTo (int dragStop)
delegate void DragStopCallback (int index)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
CreateChild< T > (string name)
CreateChild< T > (string name, T template)
MadNode CreateChild (string name, GameObject template)
FindParent< T > ()

Public Attributes

DragStopCallback dragStopCallback
- Public Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadDraggable
MadiTween.EaseType moveEasingType = MadiTween.EaseType.easeOutQuad
float moveEasingDuration = 0.5f
- Public Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
bool managed

Protected Member Functions

override void Update ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadDraggable
virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void Start ()
virtual void FixedUpdate ()
virtual void LateUpdate ()
bool IsTouchingSingle ()
bool IsTouchingJustStarted ()
Vector2 TouchPosition ()
void RegisterDelta (Vector2 delta)
void Clear ()
Vector2 Ease (MadiTween.EaseType type, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, float percentage)
Vector3 Ease (MadiTween.EaseType type, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float percentage)


int dragStopCount [get]
int dragStopCurrentIndex [get, set]
- Properties inherited from MadLevelManager.MadDraggable
float lastTouchTime [get, set]
Vector2 lastTouchCameraPos [get, set]
bool dragging [get, set]
Vector2 cameraPos [get, set]
- Properties inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
static bool Instantiating [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadDraggable
Vector2 lastPosition
Vector2 interiaForce =
float dragDistance
float deadDistance = 50
Vector2 cachedCamPos
Vector2 estaminatedPos
List< Touch > multiTouches = new List<Touch>()

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