Mad Level Manager
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MadLevelManager.MadLevelIcon Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MadLevelManager.MadLevelIcon:
MadLevelManager.MadSprite MadLevelManager.MadNode

Public Member Functions

void Activate ()
 Activates this icon. More...
void ApplyConnections ()
MadLevelProperty.SpecialType TypeFor (MadLevelProperty property)
void UpdateProperty (string propertyName, bool state)
void LoadLevel ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadSprite
virtual Rect GetBounds ()
virtual Rect GetTransformedBounds ()
Transformed (real) bounds translated and scaled by local trasnform.

void TryFocus ()
void SetMaterial (string shader, SetupShader setupShader)
virtual bool CanDraw ()
virtual Material GetMaterial ()
virtual void DrawOn (ref MadList< Vector3 > vertices, ref MadList< Color32 > colors, ref MadList< Vector2 > uv, ref MadList< int > triangles, out Material material)
void DrawOnRegular (ref MadList< Vector3 > vertices, ref MadList< Color32 > colors, ref MadList< Vector2 > uv, ref MadList< int > triangles)
void DrawOnQuad (ref MadList< Vector3 > vertices, ref MadList< Color32 > colors, ref MadList< Vector2 > uv, ref MadList< int > triangles)
void ResizeToTexture ()
void MinMaxDepthRecursively (out int min, out int max)
void RecalculateLiveBounds ()
void AnimScale (Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
void AnimScaleTo (Vector3 scale, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
void AnimMove (Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
void AnimMoveTo (Vector3 target, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
void AnimRotate (Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
void AnimRotateTo (Vector3 rotation, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
void AnimColor (Color from, Color to, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
void AnimColorTo (Color color, float time, MadiTween.EaseType easing)
delegate void Action (MadSprite sprite)
delegate void SetupShader (Material material)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
CreateChild< T > (string name)
CreateChild< T > (string name, T template)
MadNode CreateChild (string name, GameObject template)
FindParent< T > ()

Public Attributes

bool hasLevelConfiguration
int levelIndex
string levelSceneName
string levelArguments
MadLevelProperty completedProperty
MadLevelProperty lockedProperty
MadText levelNumber
List< MadLevelIconunlockOnComplete = new List<MadLevelIcon>()
int version = 0
- Public Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadSprite
MadPanel panel
bool visible = true
bool editorSelectable = true
PivotPoint pivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center
Vector2 customPivotPoint = new Vector2(0, 0)
Color tint = Color.white
InputType inputType = InputType.SingleTexture
Texture2D texture
Texture2D lastTexture
MadAtlas textureAtlas
string textureAtlasSpriteGUID
string lastTextureAtlasSpriteGUID
Vector2 textureOffset
Vector2 textureRepeat = new Vector2(1, 1)
bool hasPremultipliedAlpha = false
int guiDepth
EventFlags eventFlags = EventFlags.All
float liveLeft = 0
bool hasLiveBounds
FillType fillType
float fillValue = 1
float radialFillOffset = 0
float radialFillLength = 1
- Public Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
bool managed

Protected Member Functions

override void OnEnable ()
override void Start ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadSprite
void Update ()
Matrix4x4 TransformMatrix ()
void UpdatePivotPoint ()
Vector3 PivotPointTranslate (Vector3 p, Rect bounds)


MadLevelConfiguration configuration [get, set]
int levelGroup [get, set]
bool generated [get]
bool completed [set]
bool locked [get, set]
List< MadLevelPropertyproperties [get]
MadLevelConfiguration.Level level [get]
 Level refrerence. You can get here all information about the referenced level. More...
- Properties inherited from MadLevelManager.MadSprite
Vector2 initialSize [get, set]
Vector2 size [get, set]
bool hasFocus [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this MadSprite has focus. When other sprite is currently focused, it's focus will be lost. More...
Action onMouseEnter [get, set]
Action onMouseExit [get, set]
Action onMouseDown [get, set]
Action onMouseUp [get, set]
Action onTap [get, set]
Action onFocus [get, set]
Action onFocusLost [get, set]
- Properties inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
static bool Instantiating [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MadLevelManager.MadSprite
enum  InputType { SingleTexture, TextureAtlas }
enum  PivotPoint {
  BottomLeft, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight,
  Left, Top, Right, Bottom,
  Center, Custom
enum  FillType {
  None, LeftToRight, RightToLeft, BottomToTop,
  TopToBottom, ExpandHorizontal, ExpandVertical, RadialCW,
enum  EventFlags {
  None = 0, EventFlags.MouseHover = 1, EventFlags.MouseClick = 2, EventFlags.FingerTap = 4,
  EventFlags.Focus = 8, All = 15
- Protected Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadSprite
float left

Member Function Documentation

void MadLevelManager.MadLevelIcon.Activate ( )

Activates this icon.

Property Documentation

MadLevelConfiguration.Level MadLevelManager.MadLevelIcon.level

Level refrerence. You can get here all information about the referenced level.

The level or null if level or configuration is not set yet.

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