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MadLevelManager.MadLevelFreeLayout Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MadLevelManager.MadLevelFreeLayout:
MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout MadLevelManager.MadNode

Public Types

enum  LookLevelType { FirstLevel, LastUnlocked, LastCompleted }
- Public Types inherited from MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout
enum  TwoStepActivationType { Disabled, OnlyOnMobiles, Always }
enum  OnMobileBack { LoadPreviousLevel, LoadSpecifiedLevel }

Public Member Functions

override MadLevelIcon GetIcon (string levelName)
 Gets the icon representation for given level name. More...
override MadLevelIcon FindClosestIcon (Vector3 position)
 Finds the closest level icon to given position or More...
override void LookAtIcon (MadLevelIcon icon)
 Looks at given icon; More...
void LookAtIcon (MadLevelIcon icon, MadiTween.EaseType easeType, float time)
void LookAtLevel (string levelName, MadiTween.EaseType easeType, float time)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout
delegate void IconActivationEvent (MadLevelIcon icon, string levelName)
MadLevelIcon GetFirstIcon ()
 Gets the icon representation for the first level (in order). More...
MadLevelIcon GetLastIcon ()
 Gets the icon representation for the last level (in order). More...
MadLevelIcon GetActiveIcon ()
 Gets the currently active icon or More...
MadLevelIcon GetNextIcon (MadLevelIcon icon)
MadLevelIcon GetPreviousIcon (MadLevelIcon icon)
bool LookAtLevel (string levelName)
 Looks at level. More...
bool LookAtLastPlayedLevel ()
 Looks at last played level icon. More...
void Activate (MadLevelIcon icon)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
CreateChild< T > (string name)
CreateChild< T > (string name, T template)
MadNode CreateChild (string name, GameObject template)
FindParent< T > ()

Public Attributes

Vector2 offset = new Vector2(16, -16)
Texture2D backgroundTexture
bool lookAtLastLevel = true
LookLevelType lookAtLevel = LookLevelType.FirstLevel
bool dirty
- Public Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout
MadLevelIcon iconTemplate
TwoStepActivationType twoStepActivationType = TwoStepActivationType.Disabled
bool onIconActivatePlayAudio
AudioClip onIconActivatePlayAudioClip
float onIconActivatePlayAudioVolume = 1
bool onIconDeactivatePlayAudio
AudioClip onIconDeactivatePlayAudioClip
float onIconDeactivatePlayAudioVolume = 1
bool onIconActivateMessage
GameObject onIconActivateMessageReceiver
string onIconActivateMessageMethodName = "OnIconActivate"
bool onIconDeactivateMessage
GameObject onIconDeactivateMessageReceiver
string onIconDeactivateMessageMethodName = "OnIconDeactivate"
bool handleMobileBackButton = true
OnMobileBack handleMobileBackButtonAction = OnMobileBack.LoadPreviousLevel
string handleMobileBackButtonLevelName
MadLevelConfiguration configuration
int configurationGroup = 0
- Public Attributes inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
bool managed

Protected Member Functions

override void OnEnable ()
override void Update ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout
virtual void Start ()


MadFreeDraggable draggable [get]
- Properties inherited from MadLevelManager.MadNode
static bool Instantiating [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Events inherited from MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout
IconActivationEvent onIconActivate
IconActivationEvent onIconDeactivate

Member Function Documentation

override MadLevelIcon MadLevelManager.MadLevelFreeLayout.FindClosestIcon ( Vector3  position)

Finds the closest level icon to given position or

null if no icons found.

The closest level icon.
positionThe position.

Implements MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout.

override MadLevelIcon MadLevelManager.MadLevelFreeLayout.GetIcon ( string  levelName)

Gets the icon representation for given level name.

The level icon or null if not found.
levelNameLevel name.

Implements MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout.

override void MadLevelManager.MadLevelFreeLayout.LookAtIcon ( MadLevelIcon  icon)

Looks at given icon;


Implements MadLevelManager.MadLevelAbstractLayout.

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